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Category Archives: FAQs

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Unemployment Rates for Disabled Americans Remain High

Will I still be eligible for SSDI benefits if I return to work? Even as the United States’ economy continues to boom, disabled workers remain left behind in the relative nationwide prosperity. The unemployment rate has dropped to under four percent and employers across the…

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How These Social Security Rule Changes May Affect Your Case

If you are filing a Social Security disability application, you need to be aware of the rules and laws applicable to SSI and SSDI disability claims. In the past couple of years, changes in the rules used to evaluate Social Security disability claims have made…

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Contingent Workers Could Be Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits

Why might contingent workers not be taking advantage of the SSD program? Today, a larger part of the workforce identifies as a contingent worker than ever before. The Federal Reserve estimates that there are some 75 million gig workers in America. Contingent workers are generally…

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Disability Insurance Program Eligibility

When you have an injury or illness that prevents you from working, the stress of the situation can hit you hard. Not only are you already in pain, but you are unable to continue gainful employment at the same time. Financial pressure quickly creeps in.…

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Can You or Should You Try to Work After Filing for Social Security Disability Benefits?

While you are waiting for your Social Security disability benefits to be approved, how are you supposed to pay your living expenses? Many people face this problem when they apply for SSDI or SSI benefits. However, if you continue to work full time after applying…

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Are Social Security Benefits Taxable?

Many individuals rely on Social Security benefits to pay necessary living expenses. For many people, these benefits may be their sole sources of income. However, some individuals receive Social Security benefits in addition to other income. The amount of your Social Security benefits that is…

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How do I Know What Illnesses are Covered by Social Security Disability?

A wide variety of illnesses qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The crucial factor is whether the illness is severe enough to prevent the individual from working. While there are also income and work requirements that may apply in your case, proving that your illness…

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What Medical Conditions Qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI?

If you have an injury or illness that prevents you from working, you may be able to seek monthly payments through Social Security Disability or Social Security Insurance. Not all injuries or illnesses qualify for coverage by the Social Security Administration though. You can find…

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SSA Reinstates Reconsideration in New York and 9 Other States

How can I increase my chances of success during the reconsideration process? Recently, the Social Security Administration elected to reinstate the Reconsideration step to the disability adjudication process in ten different states. Reconsideration has been reinstated in the states of New York, California, Colorado, Louisiana,…

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SSD Applicants in Syracuse, New York Face Two Year Waits

What can I do to expedite my Social Security Disability application? For Social Security Disability applicants, time is of the essence. Individuals who seek disability benefits have become injured or ill to the point that they can no longer carry on working at a full-time…

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