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Category Archives: Firm News

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What you should know about traumatic brain injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can be devastating for any New York resident affected by them. There are certain leading causes of these injuries, which can be expensive if a person requires lifetime care. What is a traumatic brain injury? A traumatic brain injury is a type…

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$3.5 Million Settlement Highlights Issue Of When Pregnancy May Be A Disability – Have You Faced Pregnancy Discrimination?

A New York Times investigation revealed that many of the nation’s largest companies continue to sideline or discriminate against pregnant women. Both stories highlight the need to seek legal counsel from a New York disability insurance lawyer if you believe your legal rights were violated…

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Unable to Work? You Could Be Entitled To Supplemental Benefits

What are the requirements to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD)? None of us imagine a day when we will be too injured or disabled to work, but millions of Americans find themselves in this precise position each year. The Social Security Administration states that…

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Veterans – What You Need to Know About Social Security Disability

If you are a military veteran, first of all thank you for your service and dedication to America; we truly and genuinely appreciate it. And as a veteran, you more than most Americans have earned and deserve the benefits that your fellow citizens have approved…

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Fighting for Job-Related Disability Payments — an NYPD Cop’s Long Struggle

Being injured on the job may not guarantee a full disability pension without a fight. Newspapers often seize upon scandalous stories of policemen or firefighters who, while receiving a full disability pension, perform feats of physical strength, such as running a marathon. Less often do…

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Richard Seelig Selected as 2015 Super Lawyers Rising Star

How does an attorney get selected as a Super Lawyers Rising Star? We at Seelig Law Offices in New York City are very pleased to announce that one of our partners, Richard Seelig, has recently been selected as a 2015 Super Lawyers “Rising Star” for…

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Police Officer Allowed to Fight Denial of Disability Benefits in Court of Appeals

If you are a uniform civil service member, is an agency denial of disability benefits final? When it comes to New York City police, firefighters and other uniform civil service members, those injured on the job are usually entitled to some type of disability benefit.…

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