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Disability Benefits Can Take Months To Kick In

Disability Benefits Can Take Months To Kick In

When you have been injured or suffered an illness that makes it impossible for you to work, do not wait to file an application for disability benefits. Manhattan residents often end up waiting half a year for their Social Security Disability applications to be processed, so it is important to file as soon as possible. If you need help filing your application, or appealing a denial, the Seelig Law Offices is here for you.

The Clock Is Ticking

Each day you are unable to work takes a toll on your family. It can make it difficult to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. The worry this financial strain causes can make recovering from your illness or injury, or learning how to live with it, even more difficult. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are designed to relieve the pressure you are facing by providing you and your family the money you need to get by.

The sooner you apply for SSDI benefits, the sooner you can get the money you need to support yourself and your family. It is important to apply as soon as you can make a complete application because the average wait time for an application to get processed is 5-6 months.

This 5-6 months is in addition to the time it takes to get a complete application together. That process can take several weeks because you must properly document your condition in order to make a successful application. The number one reason the Social Security Administration denies disability claims from applicants in Manhattan is problems with paperwork. That’s why the Seelig Law Group encourages all SSDI applicants to work with an experienced disability benefits attorney to fill out their applications.

It is also important to note that once your application is approved you must wait five months from the date of your illness or injury before you can receive your first SSDI benefits payment. This means you would receive your first payment in the sixth full month after the date the Social Security Administration finds that your disability began. So, if you were injured at the end of June 2021, you would not see any money until January 2022 even if you applied right now and your application was processed right away.

Many Applicants Must Also File An Appeal

If your application for SSDI is initially denied, you may end up waiting another year or two for your benefits to kick in should you decide to appeal the denial. The bureaucrats at the Social Security Administration don’t care how sick you are, or how a denial may impact your quality of life. If they see a reason to deny your application, they will.

The Seelig Law team has helped many SSDI applicants successfully appeal initial denials and get the benefits they deserve.

When Winning Matters Most Work With A New York Disability Benefits Attorney You Can Trust

The longer you wait to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, or appeal an initial denial, the longer it is going to take to get the money you need to support yourself and your family. Take action today to get the money you deserve. Contact the Seelig Law Offices to discuss your situation and find out what steps you can take to move your application forward.

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