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SSDI payments can be paid quicker for a severe disability

SSDI payments can be paid quicker for a severe disability

If you develop a long-lasting illness in New York, it may be challenging to work. Being in this position can be frustrating and overwhelming when you can’t receive a paycheck and make ends meet. Fortunately, government assistance programs, like Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), can help ease this burden by supplying a monthly stipend. In some cases, depending on the severity of your illness, you’ll receive this monetary help quickly.

Understanding the qualifications to receive SSDI

If you become disabled and have a qualifying work history, which is based on your employment or the employment of a family member, such as a spouse or parent, you are eligible to receive financial aid from the SSDI program. Typically, benefits will begin on the sixth full month of disability. As of January 2022, the average monthly benefit is $1,223. However, if your disability is severe, you can qualify for Compassionate Allowances (CAL) classification, allowing you to receive assistance quicker.

Examining CAL classification

When you develop a severe illness and can’t work, the paycheck you use to survive may not be available. Unfortunately, expenses don’t stop when you have a disability, making it critical. The government recognizes the urgency of a severe disability and has created a solution by allowing those who qualify to receive SSDI quickly and making a list of 254 conditions that allow for this.

Applying for CAL classification

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses specialized software to screen applications. Doing so allows them to determine if you have a disability that qualifies for fast-tracking the decision to provide SSDI benefits.

However, if you are eligible, it’s important to note that the earliest payment for SSDI benefits can occur is five months after the date your disability began, which is determined by the SSA. There is no waiting period for SSI, a government assistance program for individuals meeting low-income requirements.

Knowing the qualifications for SSDI and CAL classification can be helpful, giving you a timeframe in which you can expect financial support when dealing with a severe disability.

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