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Understanding the Listing of Medical Impairments

Understanding the Listing of Medical Impairments

What medical conditions will qualify me to receive SSDI or SSI benefits?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) offer financial assistance for those suffering from certain medical conditions. The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a list of certain medical conditions that will automatically qualify you to receive benefits. This list is termed the “Listing of Medical Impairments” and it is updated regularly. If you suffer from an illness or condition that is on the list, our Social Security Disability lawyers at Seelig Law Offices, LLC can help you to quickly and efficiently apply for benefits.

The Listing of Medical Impairments

The SSA’s list of medical ailments that qualify for SSDI or SSI assistance are broken down by bodily system or function. Children have a separate section. For adults, medical conditions that could qualify for benefits include:

  • Cardiovascular conditions, such as coronary artery disease;
  • Neurological disorders, such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease;
  • Respiratory problems, like cystic fibrosis;
  • Musculoskeletal issues, such as back conditions;
  • Senses or speech problems, such as hearing loss;
  • Digestive tract conditions, like inflammatory bowel disease;
  • Blood disorders, such as hemophilia;
  • Mental disorders, like depression, schizophrenia, and autism;
  • Immune system problems, such as HIV/AIDS and lupus.

For children under the age of 18, the list of impairments is nearly identical, but includes growth impairment. A complete Listing of Impairments can be found on the SSA’s website

Even if your impairment is not included on the official Listing of Impairments, you may still be able to obtain SSI or SSDI benefits. You will need to prove that your condition is medically determinable, meaning that it has been recognized and subjected to clinical testing. The condition must further limit your residual functional capacity. This is a measure of the activity you can complete due to your medical limitations.

You will need to include evidence of your condition in the form of a doctor’s diagnosis, imaging studies, blood work, treatment notes, and the like. Contact an SSI/SSDI attorney for an assessment as to your ability to receive the benefits you need. Your attorney will help you to gather the vital evidence you need to support your important SSDI or SSI claim.

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