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Unemployment Rates for Disabled Americans Remain High

Unemployment Rates for Disabled Americans Remain High

Will I still be eligible for SSDI benefits if I return to work?

Even as the United States’ economy continues to boom, disabled workers remain left behind in the relative nationwide prosperity. The unemployment rate has dropped to under four percent and employers across the country report active hiring, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, among Americans with disabilities, the unemployment rate continues to be twice as high. Even more alarmingly, these statistics do not even take into account the over 8.5 million people receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

With many disabled Americans finding that SSDI benefits do not offer sufficient income, or find they miss the challenges of the workforce, more disabled people are trying to reenter the workforce. Landing a job as someone with a disability can be difficult, as can navigating the complexities surrounding rejoining the workforce without completely losing your SSDI benefits. To this end, the Social Security Administration created the Ticket to Work program.

Working While Receiving SSDI Benefits

Much confusion surrounds the ability to work while receiving SSDI benefits. For those who receive SSDI benefits, the sudden loss of such benefits when you first reenter the workforce can be devastating. Recognizing this problem, the SSA has created a trial period for those reentering the workforce. During the trial period, you can work typically as long as nine months, while still receiving SSDI benefits. Most people receiving benefits will find that returning to work is advantageous, as you may still be able to continue getting benefits, often experiencing minimal deductions.

The Ticket to Work Program

The SSA’s Ticket to Work program is a free program for those with disabilities who receive SSDI benefits. The goal of the program is to aid SSDI beneficiaries in reentering the workforce, while increasing their financial independence. If you participate, the program will help you to find an employer. You could also receive services like vocational rehabilitation, career counseling and much more. Should you need more information about SSDI claims or what will happen should you return to work, contact an SDDI lawyer today.

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