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What Medical Conditions Qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI?

What Medical Conditions Qualify for Social Security Disability or SSI?

If you have an injury or illness that prevents you from working, you may be able to seek monthly payments through Social Security Disability or Social Security Insurance. Not all injuries or illnesses qualify for coverage by the Social Security Administration though. You can find a list of covered illnesses and injuries in The Social Security Administration’s impairment listing manual, or talk to an experienced social security disability claims lawyer.

Covered Medical Impairments

The Social Security Administration’s “Blue Book” lists the illnesses and injuries that may qualify you for coverage. However, just because you have one of these illnesses or injuries, does not automatically qualify you. Here is a list of those covered impairments:

  • cancer
  • cardiovascular conditions, like coronary artery disease
  • digestive tract problems, like liver disease or irritable bowel syndrome
  • hematological disorders, like bone marrow failure
  • immune system disorders, like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
  • kidney disease and genitourinary problems
  • mental disorders, like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or autism
  • musculoskeletal problems, like broken bones or paralysis
  • neurological disorders, like cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy
  • respiratory illnesses, like asthma or COPD
  • senses and speech issues, like hearing loss or vision loss
  • skin disorders, like eczema
  • various syndromes, like Marfan Syndrome

It is important to note that your diagnosis does not have to necessarily match the blue book listing for you to be covered. Your condition may be “medically equivalent” to be covered.
In addition, there are 88 conditions that qualify automatically for coverage under the Compassionate Allowances Program. This program helps expedite the coverage process.

How Does the Social Security Administration Determine if Your Illness if Covered?

The Social Security Administration will go through a 5-step process to determine whether your illness or injury will be covered. Once it is determined that you have enough credits to obtain benefits, the administration will consider:

  • Whether you are currently working – if you make more than $1,220 a month in 2019, you will not be considered disabled.
  • Whether your condition is “severe” – this means that for the past 12 months, your condition must have adversely affected your ability to lift, stand, walk, sit, and remember.
  • Whether your condition appears on the list of disabling conditions – if it does not, you may be able to have it considered for approval.
  • Whether you can do the work you previously did – if it does, you move on to the next step.
  • Whether you can do any other type of work – the SSA will take into account things like your age, past work, education level, and your impairments.

There are always exceptions that may be considered, so it is wise to consult with an experienced SSD/SSI attorney if you have been denied benefits by the Social Security Administration. Contact our New York SSDI lawyers today to discuss your case and see how we can help you get the benefits you are entitled to receive.

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