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Why Are Disability Claims Denied?

Why Are Disability Claims Denied?

The disability claims processcan be frustrating. It can be long, involved, and complex. This is all on top of the fact that you need these benefits to provide financial support when you are unable to work due to a disabling condition. Unfortunately, it is more common than not for the Social Security Administration to deny an initial disability claim and it is even estimated that this happens up to 70% of the time. While more claimants have success on appeal, this can take two years or more to complete. To help avoid your application being initially denied, we are here to discuss some of the more common reasons that disability claims are denied in the hope it will help you avoid them and have success on your claim application.

Why are disability claims denied?

Far too often, claims are denied because a claim form was improperly completed. While claims forms can take some time to fill out, properly and accurately completing the claims form can be one of the simplest ways to prevent your claim being denied for this reason. The benefits application requires many forms to be filled out and they must be properly filled out. Prior to submitting your application, review everything for completion and accuracy. It can be a tedious process, but it can help you avoid simple mistakes that would otherwise lead to a denial of your claim. Answer all questions on the forms completely and truthfully. Provide enough detail for the benefits administrator to be able to adequately process your claim application.

Another big reason for disability claims being denied is a lack of sufficient medical evidence. Applicants that actually have a qualifying disability can still be denied because they failed to provide enough medical evidence to substantiate the claim. Without enough evidence, the Social Security Administration (SSA) must deny the application for disability benefits. To help avoid this scenario, be sure to provide plenty of objective medical evidence of your disability to the SSA. It can help to review the SSA Blue Book of disabling conditions with your treating medical provider to see if you have undergone all required tests and provided all necessary documentation as set forth in the listing of your disabling condition.

Many people end up having their disability claim denied because they fail to attend a consultative exam requested by the SSA. The SSA will sometimes request that an applicant attend such an exam to be conducted by a third party medical expert. Failing to comply with such a request, whether you refused to comply or simply failed to make your appointment, will likely result in the denial of your claim.

Failure to comply with the treatment prescribed by your doctor can also put your claim at serious risk of denial. This is not without its exception, but the SSA may view your failure to comply with prescribed treatment as an unwillingness to improve your condition. If it appears that a person clearly is making little to no attempts to improve a disabling condition in order to reenter the workforce, an SSA claims administrator may find it difficult to justify granting disability benefits.

Disability Attorneys

Seelig Law Offices helps those trying to access important and necessary disability benefits. The process can be frustrating. We are here to help. Contact us today.

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