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Work Credits for SSDI

Work Credits for SSDI

How many work credits do I need to receive SSDI benefits?

It is estimated that approximately 56.7 million people have a disability in the United States, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. For those with a serious disability, holding a job may become impossible, leaving them financially vulnerable. Social Security Disability Insurance is available to individuals who suffer from a serious medical condition that prevents them from working. To be eligible to receive SSDI benefits, you must demonstrate that you have paid into the Social Security System. Our SSDI claims lawyer explains how many work credits you need to receive SSDI benefits below.

Social Security Credits

In order to be eligible to receive Social Security benefits, you need to have a certain number of work credits. You earn work credits throughout your life as you work in various jobs. For every year that you earn wages and pay taxes into the Social Security system, you will receive work credits. In determining your work credits, the Social Security Administration will use your total yearly earnings to reach a calculated sum. For 2018, you must earn at least $1,320 to receive a work credit. You can earn a maximum of four credits per year.

You will be required to have more work credits the older you are in order to receive benefits. Generally, if you are over the age of 31, you will need to have worked at least five of the last ten years. You will need at least 20 credits in the years immediately before the disability.

For people between 24 and 31, you will need to demonstrate that you worked at over half of the time since turning 21. If you are under the age of 24, you will need to have worked at least one and a half years in the past three years before your disability. There are some exceptions to these rules for certain applicants.

Those that do not have sufficient work credits may be able to reenter the workforce temporarily in order to attain the credits needed. If your disability prevents you from working again, your attorney will help you to determine whether applying Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a better option for you.

If you are having trouble applying for Social Security Insurance, contact an experienced attorney today.

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