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Your disability benefits after your retirement

Your disability benefits after your retirement

Many people are concerned about not being able to receive retirement benefits and Social Security benefits at the same time. They may worry that their Social Security Disability Income benefits will end upon their retirement age. Once you reach retirement, there are certain events that happen to your disability benefits in New York.

Same procedure, different name

Upon your retirement, your disability benefits are automatically converted to retirement benefits without any input from you. The amount of payments remain the same. The office will continue to send benefits checks to your address.

Changes in disability status

The payments for a Social Security disability do not expire as long as the recipient remains disabled. However, the benefits may not continue if your condition improves and you could return to work. Due to advancements in medical technology, more people with disabilities are able to resume working.

Additional benefits

Recipients may qualify to receive other disability benefits. A retiree with a limited income can receive additional benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, Medicare or The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). However, the Social Security benefits may be reduced when you receive payments from other government programs. Recipients are required to inform the Social Security office of any other type of benefit payment.

People who receive disability benefits will continue to receive retirement benefits that are automatically transferred once they reach retirement age. The amounts of the payments will remain the same and continue being mailed to the same address. In general, the Social Security Administration requires that its recipients remain disabled and unable to work as long as they receive benefits.

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