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Home → Social Security & Disability Claims → New York Long-Term Disability Pensions

At Seelig Law Offices, we understand how important it is for New York workers to secure their financial future in the event of a long-term disability. If you are facing a disability that prevents you from working, knowing your rights and options for long-term disability pensions in New York is crucial. Our dedicated team of long-term disability pension attorneys helps clients navigate the complex landscape of disability pensions, ensuring that they receive the benefits to which they are entitled. Contact us today for immediate assistance.

What Are New York Long-Term Disability Pensions?

New York long-term disability pensions are benefits designed to provide financial support to employees who cannot work due to a chronic illness, injury, or disability expected to last for an extended period or be permanent. These pensions are crucial for workers who cannot earn an income due to their medical condition. The specifics of these pensions can vary based on the type of employment, the employer’s policies, and whether the employment is public or private sector.

Key Features of New York Long-Term Disability Pensions:

  • Public Sector Pensions: Many public sector employees in New York, such as state and city workers, teachers, police officers, and firefighters, are covered under comprehensive pension plans that include long-term disability benefits. Both employee contributions and taxpayer funds typically fund these plans.
  • Private Sector Pensions: Private employers might offer long-term disability insurance plans as part of their benefits package. These plans are usually optional and require employee participation through payroll deductions.
  • Eligibility: To qualify for a long-term disability pension, employees must meet certain criteria such as a minimum period of service, proof of disability through medical documentation, and sometimes the exhaustion of other benefits like short-term disability or workers’ compensation.
  • Benefit Amount: The pension amount typically depends on factors like the employee’s salary, length of service, and the specific terms of the pension plan. It often represents a percentage of the employee’s regular income.
  • Duration: The duration of the pension can vary. Some plans provide benefits until the disability ends, the employee returns to work, reaches a certain age, or, in some cases, for life.

How New York Long-Term Disability Pensions Work

New York long-term disability pensions provide essential financial security for workers who cannot continue working due to a severe, long-term medical condition. The specifics of how these pensions operate can vary depending on whether the employment is in the public or private sector, each with its own rules and benefits. Understanding these pensions’ general processes and features can help employees prepare and know what to expect should they apply for such benefits.

Public Sector Long-Term Disability Pensions

Eligibility and Coverage:

  • Public sector employees in New York, including state and city workers, educators, police, and firefighters, are typically covered under state-managed pension systems.
  • Eligibility often requires a minimum period of continuous service, usually ranging from a few years to a decade, depending on the specific rules of the pension system.


  • The pension amount is usually calculated based on the employee’s salary and years of service, often aiming to replace a significant portion of the worker’s pre-disability income.
  • Benefits are generally designed to continue until the disability is resolved, the beneficiary reaches retirement age, or for life, depending on the plan.

Application Process:

  • Applicants must provide comprehensive medical documentation from healthcare providers to prove that their disability is severe enough to prevent them from performing their job duties and is expected to last a considerable time.
  • Applications are reviewed by the pension system’s medical board or a similar authority, which assesses the validity and severity of the claimed disability.

Private Sector Long-Term Disability Pensions

Eligibility and Coverage:

  • Private employers may offer long-term disability (LTD) insurance as part of their benefits package. Unlike public pensions, these are often optional benefits that require employee enrollment.
  • The insurance policy dictates coverage details, such as the duration of necessary employment before eligibility and the specifics of covered disabilities.


  • LTD benefits in the private sector typically replace about 50-70% of the employee’s salary.
  • The duration of benefits can vary significantly, with some plans offering payments for a few years, while others extend until retirement age or as long as the disability lasts.

Application Process:

  • As with public pensions, private sector workers must submit detailed medical evidence supporting their disability claim.
  • Private insurers may require periodic reviews of the recipient’s condition to continue paying out benefits.

Key Considerations for Both Sectors

Coordination with Other Benefits:

Long-term disability benefits may be reduced by amounts received from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or workers’ compensation. This ensures that the total income from all disability-related benefits does not exceed the employee’s regular working income.

Tax Implications:

Public-sector disability pensions are often tax-free, whereas private-sector disability benefits might be taxable if the premiums were paid with pre-tax dollars.

Legal Support:

Navigating the application process for long-term disability benefits can be complex, and denials are common. Legal experts specializing in disability law can provide invaluable assistance in preparing applications, gathering necessary documentation, and appealing denials.

Understanding how long-term disability pensions work in New York helps employees possibly prepare to need such benefits. It’s important for employees, particularly those in physically demanding or high-risk jobs, to know their employer’s disability benefits and the necessary steps to secure support if they cannot work due to a disability.

How a Long-Term Disability Lawyer Can Help

New York Long-Term Disability Pensions

At Seelig Law Offices in New York City, we specialize in helping individuals navigate the often complex and challenging process of securing long-term disability benefits. Whether you’re dealing with a public sector pension or a private insurance plan, our experienced attorneys understand the intricacies of these systems and are dedicated to advocating on your behalf.

Expert Guidance Through the Legal Landscape

  • Navigating Complex Systems: Long-term disability claims can involve intricate legal and administrative procedures. Our disability lawyers are well-versed in both New York’s public pension laws and private insurance policies. We can help clarify the specifics of your coverage, the eligibility requirements, and the necessary steps to pursue a claim.
  • Application Assistance: Properly completing disability paperwork is crucial for a successful claim. Our team ensures that your application is thorough and accurate and presents your case effectively. We assist in gathering the necessary medical documentation, employment records, and other critical information to support your claim.

Advocacy During the Claims Process

  • Dealing with Denials: If your initial claim is denied, a long-term disability lawyer from Seelig Law Offices can represent you in the appeals process. We are skilled in preparing appeals, representing clients in hearings, and, if necessary, litigating in court.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: For private sector employees, dealing with insurance providers can be daunting. Our attorneys have extensive experience negotiating with these companies, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the benefits you deserve.

Maximizing Your Benefits

  • Calculating Benefit Entitlements: Understanding how much you are entitled to receive can be complex, particularly coordinating different benefit sources such as SSDI, workers’ compensation, and private insurance. We can help you understand how these benefits interact and work to maximize your total benefits.
  • Ensuring Compliance and Continued Eligibility: Long-term disability benefits often require ongoing proof of disability and other eligibility conditions. Our lawyers help you comply with these requirements to ensure your benefits continue uninterrupted.

Long-Term Planning and Support

  • Future Benefit Adjustments: Your needs and circumstances may change, and occasionally, so do the laws affecting disability benefits. We will inform you of any changes affecting your benefits and advise you on the best action.

Holistic Legal Care: At Seelig Law Offices, we understand that dealing with a disability is a legal and personal challenge. Our team offers legal expertise and compassionate support to help you manage the implications of a long-term disability.

Why Choose Seelig Law Offices?

Choosing the right attorney is crucial in securing your financial future after a disabling event. At Seelig Law Offices, we combine expert legal skills with a personalized approach to ensure each client receives the attention and dedication they deserve. We are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of the law to secure your rights and benefits.

If you or a loved one is facing the challenge of securing long-term disability benefits, contact Seelig Law Offices today for a consultation. Let our expertise guide you through this difficult time and help secure the benefits you need to support your future.

Need Help with Your Long-Term Disability Pension? Contact Seelig Law Offices Today!

Navigating the complexities of long-term disability pensions in New York can be overwhelming. Don’t go through it alone. Seelig Law Offices is here to help you every step—from filing your application to appealing denials. Our experienced disability attorneys are dedicated to ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation and secure your financial future with confidence.

New York Long-Term Disability Pensions FAQs

Navigating the intricacies of long-term disability pensions in New York can be challenging. Here at Seelig Law Offices, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide clarity and guidance for individuals seeking to understand or apply for long-term disability pensions, whether through public or private sectors.

What is a long-term disability pension in New York?

A long-term disability pension is a benefit designed to provide financial support to individuals unable to work due to a chronic illness, injury, or other medical conditions that are expected to last a long time or be permanent. These pensions are available to eligible public and private employees who meet specific criteria set by their employer’s plan.

Who is eligible for a long-term disability pension in New York?

Eligibility varies depending on the specific rules of the pension plan. Generally, public sector employees (such as state and city workers, teachers, police officers, and firefighters) are covered under their respective pension systems. Private sector employees may be eligible through disability insurance plans offered by their employers, provided they have opted into such coverage.

How do I apply for a long-term disability pension?

The application process involves several steps:

  • Gathering Documentation: Collect all relevant medical records, employment history, and other documentation supporting your claim.
  • Completing Application Forms: Fill out the necessary application forms, usually obtained from your employer or the insurance provider.
  • Medical Evaluation: Submit to any required medical evaluations or examinations.
  • Submission: Submit your application according to the guidelines provided by your pension plan or insurance policy.

What percentage of my salary will the pension cover?

The percentage of salary covered by a long-term disability pension can vary significantly by plan. Public sector plans often provide a higher percentage of salary replacement (sometimes up to 66.6% to 75% of the final average salary), while private sector plans typically offer between 50% and 70% of an employee’s salary.

How long does it take to process a long-term disability pension application?

The processing time can vary widely based on the specific pension plan, the completeness of the application, and the need for additional documentation or medical evaluations. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Public sector applications may take longer due to the involvement of various bureaucratic levels.

Can I appeal if my application is denied?

Yes, if your long-term disability pension application is denied, you can appeal the decision. The appeals process will be outlined in your plan documents and typically involves submitting additional documentation, a review by a different committee or board, and possibly a legal proceeding.

Does receiving a long-term disability pension affect other benefits like SSDI?

Yes, receiving a long-term disability pension can affect the amount you receive from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Typically, your SSDI benefits may be reduced if the total amount of these benefits plus your long-term disability pension exceeds 80% of your average current earnings before you became disabled.

Do I need a lawyer to apply for a long-term disability pension?

While having a lawyer is not mandatory, consulting with an experienced disability attorney can be highly beneficial. A lawyer can help ensure that your application is complete, represent your interests during the process, and provide significant assistance if you need to appeal a denied claim.

For Representation From Attorneys Dedicated To Providing The Highest Quality Representation To Clients, Contact Seelig Law Offices Today.

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