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State Earmarks $7 million to Help New Yorkers Denied Federal Disability Benefits

I was recently denied disability benefits by the Social Security Administration. What are my options in New York? As more and more Americans face career-ending physical and mental disabilities, the available resources for new applicants have steadily diminished over the past several years. Accordingly, applicants…

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Public Protests Highlight Possible Disability Discrimination in Ridesharing Companies

Are companies like Über and Lyft required to make accommodations for disabled individuals? The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requires business owners to make areas of “public accommodation” reasonably accessible to those with disabilities. Generally speaking, areas of public accommodation are those sections of either…

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NYC Council Aims to Assist Taxi Drivers in Obtaining Rightful Benefits & Employment Status

Where does the law stand in terms of disability benefits for taxi cab drivers? In New York, a special short-term disability statute allows for workers across a wide variety of industries to enjoy some semblance of financial security when facing a short-term illness or injury.…

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Effect of Divorce on Claims for Social Security Retirement Benefits

Can my ex-spouse benefit from my social security retirement? Social Security retirement benefits are a vital component of the retirement picture for many Americans. Did you know that your ex-spouse may be able to benefit from the Social Security benefits you collect even after a…

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Federal Government Restores Hundreds of Wrongfully-Denied Disability Claims

If I am denied Social Security Disability benefits, can I appeal? Social Security disability benefits are often denied wrongfully, or due to an incomplete application and medical record. Oftentimes, an applicant who receives a Notice of Denial is able to successfully reapply and receive much-needed…

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Newtown Police Officer Eligible For Disability Pay

Are Psychological Ailments Considered A Disability? A police officer began to suffer from anxiety and depression after responding to the 2012 Newtown shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school. The officer has been on disability due to a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder and has not…

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Understanding the Difference Between Short-term and Long-term Disability in New York

I recently suffered a serious injury and I am unable to return to work – however, I’m not sure how long I will be hurt. What is the difference between long-term and short-term disability in New York? Disability benefits are an important and – in…

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More Female FDNY Retirees Receive Disability Than Men

What percentage of retired firefighters receive disability pension? According to a review of the New York City Fire Pension Fund’s 2014 financial report, as many as 70 percent of the former FDNY female workforce is receiving three-quarters disability pension payments in retirement. Among these women…

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SSDI Benefits Are In Danger of Shortfall

Is the Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund running out of money? The Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund (often referred to as SSDI) is an important resource for disabled workers. Reportedly, there were almost 11 million people who received benefits in December 2014. Those…

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New FDNY Recruits Face Diminished Disability Pay

As a New York City Firefighter, am I entitled to a disability pension if I am injured on the job? The New York City Administrative Code recognizes that firefighting in New York City is highly dangerous by including a lifetime disability pension set at 75…

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