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Paralympic Athletes Inspire Us All

This summer, thousands of disabled athletes are traveling to Tokyo to compete in the Paralympic Games. It is a shining example of the amazing things disabled individuals can accomplish if they are given the support they need to thrive. At the Seelig Law Group, we…

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Can Pregnant Women Get Disability Benefits?

Bringing a new life into this world is a blessing unlike any other. But it often comes with some difficulty. All women must adjust their lifestyle to protect their growing bump, but some are put on bed rest for serious conditions like pre-eclampsia, blood clots,…

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Will My Social Security Disability Benefits Pay For That?

Your rent or mortgage, grocery bills, and prescription drugs cost about the same amount each and every month. They are predictable. You can budget for them. Other expenses pop up out of nowhere and surprise you. You get injured or sick and need extra care.…

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Disability Benefits Can Take Months To Kick In

When you have been injured or suffered an illness that makes it impossible for you to work, do not wait to file an application for disability benefits. Manhattan residents often end up waiting half a year for their Social Security Disability applications to be processed,…

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Three Myths About Social Security Disability

When Mythbusters was on the Discovery Channel, it was must-see tv. Each week hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman would test the validity of rumors, urban legends, movie scenes, Internet videos, and news stories. The guys, who have backgrounds in special effects, would often build…

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ALS Patients Get Faster Access To Disability Benefits

It’s been 6 years since the “ice bucket challenge” went viral. In case you don’t remember, it was a fundraiser for ALS research that required you to video yourself getting an ice cold bucket of water dumped on your head, while challenging those who watched…

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Virtual Hearings May Be The New Normal

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Social Security Administration (SSA) shut down all of its offices. When it became clear that this thing was not going to be over in two weeks, the SSA reopened virtually. In person disability benefit hearings are still on hold,…

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Are My Disability Benefits Taxable?

They say there is nothing sure in this life but death and taxes. But it is still somewhat surprising that some Social Security disability benefits are taxable. The Seelig Law team knows every dollar counts when you are a Manhattan area resident relying on Social…

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Paperwork Problems Plague Disability Applicants

The number one reason the Social Security Administration denies disability applicants from Manhattan is problems with paperwork. That’s why the Seelig Law Group spends so much time making sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed before we submit our client’s disability claim…

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Is Long-Haul COVID-19 A Disability?

The rollout of vaccines that protect against the most severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 has given us a light at the end of a tunnel. But as things return to normal for most of us in the New York City region, there are still a significant…

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