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Avoiding SSD Fraud

Avoiding SSD Fraud

How can I prevent scrutiny of my SSD claim if I have an illness that is not well understood?

The Social Security Administration has recently announced that it is devoting more resources to uncovering fraudulent Social Security Disability claims. Now, the SSA has expanded its budget to increase the use of social media searches to detect fraud, among other search methods. For applicants with less visible or understood illnesses, allegations of fraud may become more likely. Our NYC Social Security Disability claims attorneys discuss how you can avoid the possibility of being accused of SSD fraud below.

CDI Units Investigate Fraud

Back in 1998, the SSA along with the Office of the Inspector General created Cooperative Disability Investigation units to uncover people who were healthy and fraudulently obtained SSD benefits. CDIs work in cooperation with local law enforcement as well as the State Disability and Determination Services. Should the CDI suspect you of fraud, they will launch an investigation. Most fraud investigations arise from calls to the fraud hotline or online reports of fraud, which can be anonymous.

SSD applicants most at risk of investigation typically include those with illnesses that are not visible to others. Most people associate disability with externally visible ailments, but the reality is that many disabilities are not readily visible to others. The SSD allows benefits claims to those with mental health conditions and a whole array of physical ailments that are invisible to others. If you are a SSD recipient with an illness that others may not recognize, there is a higher probability that someone may alert the government to their belief that fraud is occurring.

Avoiding Any Suspicions of Fraud

To avoid being accused of fraud, you can take steps to fortify your SSD claim. You should ensure that you keep thorough medical records and maintain your appointments with your physician. Maintain a log of your symptoms and be sure to notify your doctors of any symptoms you are experiencing. Take your medication as it has been prescribed and let our doctor know if your medication is not working effectively. Avoid discussing your SSD claim or receipt of benefits with friends or neighbors and never make such mention on social media sites. Contact an attorney right away should you find yourself being investigated for SSD fraud.

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