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Category Archives: Disability

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Lawmakers Consider Expediting SSDI for People with ALS

Why is there a 5-month waiting period to receive SSDI? While individuals with disabilities are eligible for Social Security disability benefits, there are a number of waiting periods associated with the claims process. First, there is a waiting period from the application date until receipt…

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Suit by Former NFL Player Highlights Difficulty of Proving Disability from Brain Injuries

Qualifying for disability payments because of a head trauma has always presented challenges. Brain injuries are often invisible and it can be difficult to obtain objective proof of a disability. Insurers seem especially reluctant to acknowledge the seriousness of medical complaints when the brain is…

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PBA Pushing for Disability Benefit Parity for Newer City Cops

What disability benefits are being provided for NYPD officers? Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch has been engaged in a running dispute with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio over disability benefits for City police officers. Currently, cops hired after July 2009 do not…

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Large Insurers Accused of Fraud in Denying Disability Claim

When can a policyholder sue an insurer for its tactics in refusing to pay disability benefits? Obtaining disability payments is difficult even in the best of circumstances. Applicants must meet countless medical requirements, obtain letters and test results from doctors, and file reams of paperwork.…

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Retired NYPD Cop Convicted of 911 Disability Fraud

How much of a problem is disability fraud? Recently, a retired NYPD officer was convicted in connection with a massive $400 disability fraud scheme. The officer was among more than 100 people who were indicted by the New York District Attorney in 2014. The retired…

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Need Social Security Disability Benefits? Get in Line

Why are the wait times so long for obtaining disability benefits? Nothing is for certain, or so it’s been said, and anyone can become disabled at any time and not be able to work. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration provides disability benefits to those who…

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NYC Mayor De Blasio Signs Bill Expanding Accessibility Laws for Disabled New Yorkers

At Seelig Law Offices, we fight tirelessly to ensure equal access and opportunities for all New Yorkers, regardless of physical limitation. Along the same lines, New York City’s Mayor De Blasio recently enacted several mandates ensuring the same equalities for residents across all five boroughs…

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The Urban Legend of Disability Fraud

Is the number of social security disability fraud claims overestimated? Rumors of Social Security Disability fraud have been greatly exaggerated. While there are cases of people scamming the system, fraud is not nearly as widespread as some would suggest. There is a growing narrative that…

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New Study Demonstrates Hiring Bias Against Disabled

What can I do if I was denied a job I was otherwise qualified for on the basis of my disability? The New York Times ran an article this week about a study recently presented by Syracuse and Rutgers Universities demonstrating that there is significant…

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How the Social Security Administration Classifies Disability Based on Respiratory Disease or Injury

I have chronic asthma and suffer from frequent attacks. Could I be eligible for Social Security disability benefits? With any evaluation of Social Security disability benefits, the SSA will review the applicant’s occupational information as well as the medical condition from which he or she…

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