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Category Archives: FAQs

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Qualifying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

What is the difference between SSI and SSDI benefits? The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program was created in 1972 by the Social Security Amendments during the Nixon administration. It began serving the public in 1974. The SSI program is funded through the U.S. Treasury general…

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The Benefits of Setting Up a my Social Security Account

We carry around phones that have more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft. Speakers in our home can order us pizza. Cars may soon be able to drive us around while we spend our time on the road doing other things. It is truly a…

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Beware Scammers Impersonating Social Security Personnel

Do you remember when we thought telemarketers calling during dinner was the worst thing about having a phone? Now, we are bombarded with junk calls from autodialers who at best want to sell us something, but more often than not are trying to steal our…

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Avoiding SSD Fraud

How can I prevent scrutiny of my SSD claim if I have an illness that is not well understood? The Social Security Administration has recently announced that it is devoting more resources to uncovering fraudulent Social Security Disability claims. Now, the SSA has expanded its…

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How to Hire a Disability Benefits Lawyer

Being unable to work because of a disability can be frightening and frustrating. However, there are government programs that assist individuals with disabilities. These programs provide disability benefits that help individuals pay for necessary living expenses if they are unable to work because of a…

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Why Does Social Security Disability Care About My Past Jobs?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages two government disability programs. One program is based on work history, and the other program is a need-based program for low-income individuals. To determine if you are eligible for Social Security disability benefits under SSDI, the SSA must review…

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Social Security Disability Benefits and Parkinson’s Disease

What Are the Requirements to Receive SSD Benefits if I Have Parkinson’s Disease? Today, it is estimated that over ten million people around the world have Parkinson’s disease, according to the Parkinson’s Foundation. Each year, 60,000 Americans will be diagnosed with this serious disease. The…

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Over 2,000 Americans Have Died Awaiting Social Security Hearings

How can I expedite my Social Security Disability hearing? Working Americans will spend years paying into the Social Security system so that they are protected in the event of a serious injury or illness and find themselves unable to work. However, many more Americans are…

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Understanding Long Term Disability Denials in New York

Long term disability insurance provides the income you need to pay your bills and living expenses if you are out of work because of an illness or accidental injury. However, many claims for long term disability are denied. Some denials may be reasonable, but many…

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Tips for Applying for a Social Security Disability Expedited Reinstatement

The Social Security Administration (SSA) encourages individuals who receive SSI (Supplemental Security Income) to work if their disability allows them to do. When a person goes to work and begins earning money, SSI benefits typically stop. Unfortunately, some individuals who attempt to work may be…

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