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The Differences Between SSI and SSDI

The Differences Between SSI and SSDI

If you’re a resident of New York who is elderly or disabled, knowing the difference between Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is important. These programs can be beneficial when you have limited financial resources to pay for essentials such as housing or food. These programs can provide you with financial assistance when your resources and income are limited.

What is SSI?

If you are elderly or have a disability, regardless of your age, you can receive SSI that provides minimum basic financial assistance. Qualifying for SSI requires you to have minimal income and resources.

What is SSDI?

SSDI provides financial assistance for certain categories of individuals. Qualifying for this federal program requires you to be disabled and have employment history.

What is the most significant difference between SSI and SSDI?

SSI is determined by examining your age and any disabilities you might possess. Receiving it is based on your income and resources whereas SSDI determination is based on your work history and disability. Also, if you qualify for SSDI, you can receive Medicare, starting 24 months after receiving your disability payments. Being an SSI recipient can qualify you for health care coverage via Medicaid.

Applying for SSI and SSDI

Receiving both SSI and SSDI is possible if you have a work history as well as limited income and resources. Receiving both can be highly beneficial when you are unable to work and have bills that need to be paid. Applying for SSI can be done online if you are over 18. Applying for SSDI benefits can also be completed online at any age or by contacting the Social Security Administration.

Utilizing SSI or SSDI can be advantageous when you’re disabled or elderly. Receiving the financial assistance provided by these programs should make it easier to cover essential expenses like housing and food.

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