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What to know about disability insurance

What to know about disability insurance

If you find yourself unable to work in New York because of a disability, an option is to obtain financial help from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Since many people pay into Social Security with each paycheck, you could get disability insurance so that you can provide for yourself and your family should the unthinkable occur.

Past employment

Before applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), keep in mind that the amount that you receive typically depends on how much you have paid while you’ve been working. When you meet with a representative to complete the application, you’ll usually discuss the type of work that you’ve done in the past and your average income. You might need to have a physical completed to determine if you have enough of a disability that prevents you from working.


You don’t have to be elderly to have a disability that prevents you from working and getting SSDI. An accident or illness at any age could result in not being able to work for years or for the rest of your life. While SSDI might not compensate for all of the income that you lose, it can be enough to help others in the household who are working or receiving income from another source.

Returning to work

After therapy, surgery, and other interventions, you might find that you’re able to go back to work on at least a part-time basis. The SSA can work with you to complete applications and find jobs that you might be able to physically or mentally do depending on the severity of your disability.

Disability insurance is an option to consider if you’re unable to work in a traditional employment setting.

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