What are the eligibility requirements for SSD benefits for disabled adult children? Worldwide, it is estimated that over one billion people are living with a disability. One in ten of those with disabilities are children. For the parents of a disabled child, planning for their…
Depression can be a debilitating condition that impairs a person’s ability to perform daily tasks, including work. There are many depressive disorders that someone may suffer from including bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, dysthymia, manic depression, and many other disorders that cause depression. Chronic depression…
What circumstances might allow me to collect Social Security if I am under the age of 62? The Social Security Act was first signed into law in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Originally, the law was designed to offer retirement benefits to the primary…
Social Security has helped millions of individuals over the course of decades that are unable to earn sufficient wages due to injury or illness. While disability is certainly a driving factor in determining who receives Social Security Disability, income and assets play a significant role.…
Can I receive SSD benefits if I suffer from COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is now considered the third leading cause of death among adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over 11 million people in…
Very little news coverage was dedicated to the Executive Order signed by President Trump on July 20, 2018. The Executive Order could directly impact future SSDI cases. If you are applying for SSDI or your loved one is applying for SSDI, you should consult a…
Am I eligible for SSD benefits if I am partially deaf? An estimated 48 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss, as reported by the Hearing Loss Association of America. After the age of 65, one in every three people have hearing loss.…
The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages the SSDI program. Individuals may qualify for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) if they have worked enough years to earn the required number of work credits for their age. In addition, to qualify for SSDI, applicants must also meet…
When you are disabled because of an accident, physical condition, or mental condition, it can be difficult to know where to turn for assistance. The federal government has two types of Social Security disability programs for disabled individuals. The programs provide income assistance to individuals…
What evidence should I present at my SSD hearing? Fewer than half of all Social Security Disability claims are approved when initially submitted, according to Social Security Administration data. If your claim has been denied, you will still have the option to appeal your denial.…
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