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Can Your “Invisible Illness” Qualify as a Disability?

Living with a disability can be difficult enough when others can recognize it. But when you are living with an “invisible” disability, it can be even harder as visibility often helps others to recognize your necessary accommodations. What many people fail to understand is that…

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In New York City, Obesity is Epidemic

More than half of all adult New Yorkers are overweight or obese. Suffering from this condition diminishes your quality of life, and puts you at increased risk of developing a number of other health issues. But is obesity a disability that would allow you to…

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Sanitation Workers Face On-The-Job Dangers

According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, serving as a sanitation worker is the fifth most dangerous job in America. It, therefore, makes sense that New York State Retirement Law provides New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) workers generous disability benefits. A Most…

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Can Student Loans Be Forgiven For SSD Recipients?

Unfortunately, many students walk away from their secondary education with not only a degree but also fifteen to twenty years’ worth of debt. But although student loans can be financially draining, most individuals are able to eventually pay them off. However, this is not the…

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5 Reasons Your SSD Claim May Be Denied

When you are struggling with a disability that prevents you from working, the thought of how you will pay your bills can be overwhelming. Luckily, Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can help immensely. But although such benefits would make all the difference, the Social Security…

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Do I Need To Be A Citizen To Qualify For SSI?

From its earliest days, New York City has been a city of immigrants. Seelig Law Offices is proud to call this city, the home of the Statue of Liberty and many vibrant communities of people who have moved here to create a better life for…

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Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome a Disability?

Dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can be incredibly frustrating. While you are in excruciating pain and unable to work, you may also be dealing with employers, coworkers, and even loved ones who do not take your complaints seriously. Until you have experienced it for…

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More Corrections Officers Being Injured On The Job

The results of the 2020 Department of Correction Mayor’s Management Report are alarming. Serious injuries caused by violence between inmates within facilities operated by the New York City Department of Correction rose 284% in fiscal year 2020. While some of the injuries can be attributed…

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110,000 People Died Waiting For SSD Benefits

A shocking new report from the federal government’s non-partisan U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that from 2008 to 2019, almost 110,000 people died while waiting for the government to make a final decision about their Social Security disability benefits. In addition, 48,000 applicants waiting…

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Is Social Security Retirement Or Disability Benefits Better?

Life is a series of choices, and if you are in your early-to-mid-60s and no longer able to work, one of the most important choices you may be soon forced to make is whether to seek disability benefits or start collecting your Social Security retirement…

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