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Category Archives: SSDI

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Paperwork Problems Plague Disability Applicants

The number one reason the Social Security Administration denies disability applicants from Manhattan is problems with paperwork. That’s why the Seelig Law Group spends so much time making sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed before we submit our client’s disability claim…

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Is Long-Haul COVID-19 A Disability?

The rollout of vaccines that protect against the most severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 has given us a light at the end of a tunnel. But as things return to normal for most of us in the New York City region, there are still a significant…

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Is Social Security Retirement Or Disability Benefits Better?

Life is a series of choices, and if you are in your early-to-mid-60s and no longer able to work, one of the most important choices you may be soon forced to make is whether to seek disability benefits or start collecting your Social Security retirement…

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Three Big Differences Between SSDI And SSI

If you are disabled and struggling to cover your expenses, you may wish to consider applying for benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA has two different programs that pay disability benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Below,…

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Proposed Changes to SSDI Present a Problem

The Social Security Administration, at the request of President Trump, has proposed some major changes to two of its core programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). If these changes are pushed through, many New Yorkers who previously qualified for benefits…

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You Might Have to Work While Waiting for Disability

Tom Petty sang that “the waiting is the hardest part,” and boy was he right. When you are trying to figure out how to move forward with your life after becoming disabled, waiting on the Social Security Administration to decide if your application for Social…

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ABLE Accounts Can Help Break Down Barriers To Disability Benefits

As attorneys that focus a lot of our time and attention on helping people in New York City tap into disability benefits, we are used to cutting through red tape. We can jump through bureaucratic hoops and shuffle mountains of paperwork with the best of…

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Can I Get Both Workers’ Comp & Social Security Disability?

The short answer to this question is yes. The more lawyerly answer is — it depends. Whether you can collect both workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability depends on the type and severity of the injury you have suffered. What is workers’ comp? Workers’ compensation…

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Why Does Social Security Disability Care About My Past Jobs?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages two government disability programs. One program is based on work history, and the other program is a need-based program for low-income individuals. To determine if you are eligible for Social Security disability benefits under SSDI, the SSA must review…

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Unemployment Rates for Disabled Americans Remain High

Will I still be eligible for SSDI benefits if I return to work? Even as the United States’ economy continues to boom, disabled workers remain left behind in the relative nationwide prosperity. The unemployment rate has dropped to under four percent and employers across the…

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