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Category Archives: SSD

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Will My Social Security Disability Change When I Turn 66?

If you're receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you may wonder what happens to your disability payments when you reach full retirement age. At Seelig Law Offices, we often get questions about this transition, so let's clarify what you can expect. The Short Answer:…

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Appealing a denied Social Security Disability claim

New York residents who are unable to work because of an illness or disability can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, but their claims are unlikely to be approved during the initial review process. Only 35% of disability claims were approved by the Social…

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The requirements for civil service disability benefits

Civil servants in New York and around the country who are unable to perform their duties due to a medical condition or injury may apply for civil service disability retirement benefits, but their employing agencies should be notified first. This is because those agencies must…

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Why your SSD claim may be denied

There are many reasons why a claim for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits may be denied in New York. Knowing the potential causes of a claim denial can help you better plan your next steps. Some of the most common reasons for a denied Social…

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Can you make a Social Security disability appeal?

In many situations, you are able to make an appeal for Social Security disability. The Social Security Administration (SSA) denies most applications on the first try. You could add more information to prove your disability in your appeal. While you’re waiting for your application to…

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Understanding the spinal cord and its related injuries in New York

Your spinal cord is responsible for transmitting messages from the brain to the rest of the body. This makes it the second most important organ, right after the brain. If you or your loved one in New York experienced a spinal injury, depending on the…

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Do you have to be permanently disabled for SSD and SSI?

You may be thinking about claiming your SSI or SSD benefits in New York. This may come as the result of an injury that you have recently suffered. You may still be in doubt whether this injury is severe or truly permanent. This may require…

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How Social Security disability works with standard insurance

Social Security disability benefits in New York are provided to individuals who qualify. These benefits are separate from private disability insurance products. There is often confusion about whether a person can receive Social Security disability benefits as well as private disability benefits. Social Security Administration…

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Understanding disability in the view of the SSA

Many New York residents are recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. They have qualified in general based an inability to complete job tasks in an acceptable manner for most employers. SSDI is more so a claim of inability to work than being disabled. However,…

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How to prepare for an SSD claim

How to prepare for an SSD claim When you are no longer able to work because of an illness or injury in New York, it can be tough to know what to do next. One option is to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. This…

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