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Category Archives: SSDI

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Can A Disabled Person on SSDI Have An S-Corp or LLC?

One of the many concerns that clients seeking disability benefits have is what to do with their business interests. They are concerned that they will not qualify for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) if they have any significant income or assets. The good news is…

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SSD and Mental Illness

Can I receive Social Security Disability benefits for depression? It is believed that one in five Americans suffer from some form of mental illness, according to reports by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Common mental illnesses include depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.…

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Preparing for the SSD Hearing

What will happen during the SSD hearing? The fact is that over half of all SSD claims will initially be denied. If your initial claim is denied, you have the right to file an appeal. In New York and many other states, you may be…

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Wait times for Social Security benefit appeals leave people in limbo

The radio program Marketplace recently featured a story about the backlogs for Social Security Disability Insurance applicants that in some cases have gone on so long the applicant died before ever receiving benefits. In fact, in 2016 alone about 7,400 people died waiting for their…

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Understanding the Listing of Medical Impairments

What medical conditions will qualify me to receive SSDI or SSI benefits? Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) offer financial assistance for those suffering from certain medical conditions. The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a list of certain medical conditions that…

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I’m Receiving Social Security Disability – Can My Family Receive Auxiliary Benefits?

Accidents, illnesses, and any number of other calamities can suddenly and unexpectedly remove you from the workforce. When that happens, it generally has a very disruptive effect on a family’s finances. For that reason, in addition to offering disability benefits to the worker, the Social…

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SSDI v SSI: Which Benefits Should I Seek?

What is the difference between Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? If you are disabled and struggling to cover your expenses, you may wish to consider applying for benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA offers two different programs…

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SSDI Applicants Could Experience Delays

How can I speed up the Social Security Disability claims process? For millions of disabled Americans, Social Security Disability benefits provide much needed financial support. Each year, upwards of 10 million people will receive SSDI benefits. Without these benefits, disabled Americans that cannot work could…

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Budget Cuts Could Be Coming to SSDI

What could cuts to the Social Security Disability Insurance program mean for me? The Social Security Disability program evolved from the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program of the Social Security Administration (SSA). Though the original program contained the term “disability” it did not in…

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What You Need to Know about the Medical Exam for Social Security Disability

What should I expect during the medical exam for SSDI benefits? Certain applicants for Social Security Disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income disability benefits will be required to submit to a medical examination, also referred to as a consultative exam (CE). The medical exam may…

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